West Portal Elementary School

5 Lenox Way

San Francisco




(415) 759-2846


(415) 242-2526



William Lucey


Anna Hu

Office Manager


San Francisco Unified School District

Gwen Chan, Interim Superintendent of Schools

August 30, 2006

Dear West Portal Parents/Guardians,

The staff at West Portal School welcome you and your children to the 2006-2007 school year. We hope it will be a rewarding year for all the students. We look forward to getting to know you and your children.

Even though we had major construction over the summer with many delays, we were able to have a safe and positive opening of school. Construction will continue through November with all work being done after school and weekends so as not to impact student learning.

The traffic and parking has always been a problem especially during the first few weeks of schools. If you are able to park your car a couple of blocks away and walk your child to the school, it would be helpful in alleviating some morning and afternoon traffic issues. More information will be sent out regarding how you can help improve the traffic around West Portal School.

Included in the first take home folder are several important papers and Parent Club information. Please take a moment to review them and return the necessary forms such as emergency card, emergency release form, Free/Reduced Lunch Application, and Parental Consent Form for Media Access, etc. to your children’s teachers as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday, September 6th please.

Parent Club Meeting is scheduled for September 7th at 6:30pm. I will being giving a construction update and information regarding our school STAR Testing scores. Childcare will be provided. Please make an effort to attend.

Back-to-School Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 14th at 6:30 pm. Please mark your calendar for this important evening.

Labor Day falls on Monday, September 4th. No School.

Picture Day is on September 26th & 27th. A flyer is included in the folder.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if either you or your children have any questions or concerns.


Will Lucey


for the West Portal Staff