West Portal Elementary School

5 Lenox Way

San Francisco




(415) 759-2846


(415) 242-2526



William Lucey


Anna Hu

Office Manager


San Francisco Unified School District

Gwen Chan, Interim Superintendent of Schools

September 7, 2006

Dear West Portal Parents and Guardians,

Thursday, September 14th, beginning at 6:00 pm is “Back to School Night”.

The schedule for the night is as follows:

Session 1 6:00 – 6:20 pm General Session in the auditorium

Session 2 6:25 – 6:55 pm Classroom Informational Meeting

Session 3 7:00 – 7:30 pm Classroom Informational Meeting

Back to School Night is an important event. Teachers will be sharing important information regarding the curriculum, their expectations, and special classroom events that will occur through out the school year. These sessions are not a time for one-on-one conferences with your child’s teacher. If you wish to conference with the teacher, please indicate your request in the sign-in sheet and the teacher will contact you for an appointment.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Mr Hansell’s 4th Grade, Room 21; Ms Bernstein’s 4th grade, room 23; and Ms Breisach’s Kindergarten, Room 3 will be having their Back to School night classroom informational presentations on Wednesday, September 20st at 6:30 pm.

We ask that only parents attend this evening’s presentation with the teachers. It is difficult to conduct an informational meeting with parents if there are many children in the classroom. We are unable to offer childcare for our Back to School Night because of the large number of children, but we sincerely hope that you will find some way to attend this important event.


Will Lucey and the West Portal Staff



September 14th – 6:00 – 7:30 – Back to School Night

September 20th –6:30– Rooms 3,21,23 Back-to-School Night Classroom Info. Meeting

September 26th– Picture Day for the Students in the Main Building

September 27th – Picture Day for Students in Bungalow Classrooms

Special Notes: