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Parents Club

Rm. 34
Ms. Soofi
Speech Therapy Class

Dear West Portal Parents,

Hello, welcome to/back to West Portal! My name is Catherine Soofi (you can call me Cassie) and I am the Speech-Language Specialist here in Room 34. I am writing to you now because your son/daughter has a current IEP indicating speech and/or language services. I have been getting my schedule together this week and therapy will start on Tuesday.

For the first few months of school, Jessica Marsanico, a graduate student from San Francisco State University, will be interning here at West Portal. She will be working along side of me with all of the students receiving speech-language therapy Monday through Thursday. We are very excited to have her here this semester!

We are looking forward to a great year. In order to ensure your child’s success in meeting his/her goals, I will be sending home homework assignments frequently to reinforce concepts and techniques taught in the therapy sessions. It is important to complete these assignments with your child in order to make sure they are comprehending and attending to the task. If your child has a speech or articulation problem, it is crucial that homework be completed daily (requiring only about 10-15 minutes per day) so that the problem can be remedied as quickly as possible. Please feel free to discuss this home practice with me at any time; I am at West Portal Monday through Friday.

Have a great year!


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This page last updated April 16, 2007