Welcome to Room 14
Room 14 is a Chinese Immersion Program classroom (CIP). Chinese is used throughout the day and is integrated in all subjects. We will focus on a theme each month. In kindergarten, we will learn to write 50 characters. We will learn to recognize many others, and we will learn to speak and understand simple phrases. Our classroom is a split class which means that it contains both Kindergarten and 1st grade students.
Reading Program - We will emphasize
beginning reading and developing the love of literature. We use the
District adopted reading program, Literacy Place, by Scholastic. In
addition to that we read trade books and use a variety of reading materials
to help us learn.
Math Program - The Mathland Program has been chosen by the District. We use it in combination with other math activities. These are all hands on and manipulative approaches. We use real objects to teach math concepts. We go from the concrete to the symbolic.
Language - We encourage all children to talk and share ideas. We ask them to make plans and carry these plans out and report back to the group their decisions and activities. We have a sharing time. We do a lot of reading and word awareness activities, e.g. interactive journal, book making, songs, stories, games, rhymes, finger plays, and movements.
Social Studies
- McGraw Hill social studies program is
newly adopted by our District. The focus for kindergarten and first grade
is self and family.
Health Education - The health curriculum lessons focus on safety, self-awareness, healthy choices, and the importance of family.
Science - The kindergarten science units include Myself, Five Senses, and Seeds and Water. The first grade science units include Liquid, Balls and Ramps, and Living Things.
Music - This year we will be collaborating with San Francisco State University. The professor and the graduate students of the Music Department will come to our school to teach music twice a week.
Above are pictures the children drew of their houses.
Programs - These programs occur once a
week. We have a pull out computer program (once a week) along with
classroom computers. We visit the school library. The librarian
reads us stories, and each of us can check out a book to read. We have
a Perceptual Motor Program. This is a physical, sensory program teaching
children how to use their bodies to balance, throw balls, jump rope, etc.
We visit the West Portal Park with Room 11. Children can exercise large
muscles by jumping, climbing, and swinging on the park equipment, and they
get a chance to interact with children who attend the General Education Program
(non CIP).
The Buddies Program occurs once every two weeks. Our Big Buddies are CIP 5th graders in Ms. Chu's class, room 25. Children learn to care about each other through fun activities and reading together.
Field Trips - Some are scheduled throughout the year. You may be asked to purchase children's tickets for the symphony or other activities. We also need adults to accompany us on these trips. Individual notes with specific information and permission forms will be send in advance.
Homework - for Kindergarten children, it is mostly your
reading to them and reviewing of
characters, numbers, or phonics. We want
children to assume responsibility for doing the work and returning it to
school. Homework should only be about 10 minutes a night. You
can support your child by providing a quiet area. It is important to
establish a routine for homework time.
Report Cards - Report cards are sent home four times throughout the year. Each set includes a general report card and another one on learning Chinese. For all Kindergartners, the first report card is the Brigance Test, which is given during the first month of school. Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences will be scheduled for the first and third report card period, which will be in November (11/5 -11/9) and in April (3/18 -3/22). However, please feel free to schedule a conference with me whenever you feel necessary.
Snack - We have snack time everyday, and the children
are hungry. Please send a healthy snack everyday (e.g. cheese, crackers,
or fruit). Please, do NOT send candy, chocolate, chewing gum, soda,
or any other food that contains high levels of sugar. Please do not
send glass containers. If your child buys school lunch, he/she still
needs a snack at recess.
Belongings - Children
should leave unnecessary personal belongings at home (i.e. toys, books,
stickers, trading cards, key chains, pens, pencils, and so on.) children
could be
easily distracted by these items, and it would
cause much sadness when the items are lost or broken.
Health and Attendance - Your child should attend school each day he/she is well. for the protection of your child and others, please do not send them to school with a persistent cough, runny nose, or fever. Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
If your child is injured or becomes ill at school, parents will be notified. If parents are not available, the person designated on the emergency card will be contacted. Be sure to notify the school office of any changes in telephone numbers, addresses, places of work, or emergency contacts.
Children - Kindergarten
is a big adjustment for your child. Many children are tired at
school. We encourage you to get your child to bed by 8:00pm every
night. Your child has a rest time everyday but it is very short and
does not make up for a late bedtime.
For health purposes, please wash the small napping towels/blankets once a week. Also please put them in bags before placing them in the cubbies.
Reminders - Please remember to return the message folders on Fridays. You may send back any papers for the parent club or school in the folders, but you should keep all the letters and information at home and not it the folder.
School begins at 8:40am. Yard supervision starts at 8:25 am. A tardy child interrupts sharing time.
Parent Club/Chinese Immersion Program Curriculum Meetings - We encourage you to join. These organizations help purchase much needed materials for the classroom and provide valuable input into our program.
A Special Thank You - I want to take a moment to say thank you to the parent volunteers. The children and I appreciate all of your help. Please let me know if you are able to participate.
I look forward to working with you and your child. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support.
Jennie Lee