West Portal Elementary School
Home page of West Portal Elementary School

Rm. 13
Ms. Townsend
Resource Specialist Program

Hello there West Portal Parents,
My name is Inga Townsend and I am West Portal's Resource Teacher. I
work with students individually and in small groups. I also support
students in their general education classroom. This year I am asking
for help from parents in order to get window coverings for the
classroom that I work in. Without window coverings my room can get
very hot, making it difficult for students to work. I'm hoping a few
parents would be willing to help by either making curtains or
purchasng some curtains.
If that sounds like something you'd be willing to help with, please
contact me at West Portal. Either stop by Room 13, or call the
office (759-2846).
Thanks very much,
Inga Townsend

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