Space:NASA Shuttle Web page Latest information on space shuttle and space stations.
Animals Around the World Useful links if you are doing research on animal.
HST's Latest Pictures Visit this site to look at all the exciting photos about space.
View from a Satellite You can view the Earth as currently seen from a satellite in Earth orbit
Space Arcade Race Starships, Blast Aliens, Mine Asteroids, Travel intothe Future-All without leaving the comfort of your own easy-chair.That doesn't mean it will be easy. But it is FREE.
Space SPACE Links is the most comprehensive one-stop directory of Space and Astronomy Web sites on the 'Net.'s Roving Robot has scoured the Web to bring you more than 5,000 Web Sites. From astronomy to satellites, space history to UFOs, SPACE Links has it covered. 
Ask an Astronomer  E-mail: Obtain answers to questions about stars, planets, comets, and other aspects of astronomy. 
The Hubble Space Telescope's Public Page  Here is the location for the Hubble Space Telescope and all of the wonderful science taking place with this instrument.
Martin Luther King Jr.  A dialogue about the role King played in shaping America 
Martin Luther King Jr.  Find out King's papers, speeches, sermons, autobiography, and chronolgy articles.
Martin Luther King Jr.  Here are a few places of note online where you'll find pieces of the Dream preserved. 
Martin Luther King Jr.  Listen to his speeches. 
Martin Luther King Jr.  All the informations on King. Lesson plans and activities included. 
Africa Online: Kids Only  A nice location for your students to learn about Africa. They can read Rainbow Magazine-a Kenyan magazine for kids, play African games and decode messages, learn about the over 1000 languages in Africa, meet African students on line, find a keypal, or visit the home pages of schools in Africa. Set a bookmark!
Global warming A WebQuest: you have a task to do!
Abraham Lincoln's life and accomplishments A great site for students to do a research on Abraham Lincoln. IT includes a one page summary of his life, a collection of his authentic quotes, his assassination, his favorite poems , and sketches of the president.
The Civil War  The Elementary Curriculum: K-2
The Civil War  A complete site on Cicil War: general resources, images, biographical information, histories & bibliographies, documenary records, state & local studies, battles & campaigns, etc.
Animal The Animal Omnibus is a list of web sources indexed by the name of the animal.
Animal pictures Most of the images are from the newsgroups, especially from 
Animals Page Quizzes, projects, links, and information on all types of animals and how they are classified. Also discusses the various features and functions of animals.
Butterflies ThinkQuest An interactive, online way for kids to explore the scientific world of butterflies. Titled "Butterflies- On the Wings of Freedom.
Butterfly Web Site All about the fascinating world of butterflies. From gardening to ecology and everything in between, with a focus on education.
Butterfly Web Site Online curriculum and resources developed to support and provide a bridge for Kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers interested in moving from a traditional teacher facilitated, textbook driven curriculum to a more integrated, hands on, inquiry approach. Both in English and Spanish. 
Children's Butterfly Site Coloring Pages, FAQs, books, videos, and a gallery of butterfly photographs.
Electronic Zoo Animal links and information with a focus on veterinary resources. Simply click on a species in the Animals section to find what you seek.
Insect List of creepy crawlies to study, related links, and teachers' resources.
Weather Weather-Related Resources (click on List of Themes, then Weather) on the World Wide Web 
Space Information on Space and Space Shuttles. (click on List of Themes, then Space or Space Shuttle).
Kids Planet You will absolutely love the Animal Fact Sheets (under "Get the Facts") and the Coloring Pages. Great for teaching about animals!
African American History Lots of information.
The African American Mosaic A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture 
African American Web Connection An African American Cyber Gateway for the Entire Family 
Black History Black History Hotlist is a starting point for anyone studying African-American events and issues. If you have your own learning activities in mind, you might use these links as raw material or the place to begin independent research. 
Abraham Lincoln Online Another complete site on Abraham Lincoln
The American Civil War Comprehensive information on the Civil War.
American Civil War Resources Detail information arranged according to the dates.
The Civil War Net Lots of information on the Civil War.
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences Profiled here are African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering. 
Monarch Watch  Raise Monarch butterflies, tag them, release them, record observations about Monarchs in your area, then watch as your data and those compiled others are used to track the annual migration of this wonderful creature!
The Nine Planets Tour The Nine Planets is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information. 
Apples Grades 1-2 - In exploring areas related to apples, students will be able to discover facts about apples and illustrate findings in written or oral language experiences.
Australian Animals You have been hired by the curator of the local zoo to help in setting up an Australian animal exhibit
Weather Watchers No matter where you live, weather is an important part of your life. Let's find out about weather and how it makes a difference all over the world!
Butterflies Online activities for Junior Classes.
All About Myself ECSE - Includes Bulletin Board Ideas, Cooking Ideas, Fine Motor / Arts, Gross Motor, Language Development, Sign Language, Literature, Music, Pre-Academic, Sample Lesson Plans, Sample Parent Communication, Software, Support Media, Toys and Materials 
Apple Activities Apple activities - crafts, songs, fun
Ant Activities Ants crafts, songs, and snacks for children under the age of 5 - from chicky ma-ma 
Apples Apples - songs, fingerplays, centers, art, snack, addresses for more apple info -from Nuttin' But Kids 
April Showers Bring May Flowers Weather, caterpillars, butterlies, kites, rain activities for this Spring theme 
April Showers, Rain and Rainbows!!! April showers, rain, rainbows, spring activities for children under the age of 5 - crafts, activities, poems 
Around The World Preschool songs and fingerplays, art centers from Nuttin' But Kids
At the Farm ECSE - Covers all areas with bulletin board ideas, cooking ideas, art, fine motor, gross motor, etc. 
Bees and Ants Ages 3-6 years - Uses The Honeybee and the Robber by Eric Carle - a 12 activity unit with lessons and crafts for bees, beehives, and ants. 
Caterpillars to Butterflies Preschool - K - The children will learn an appreciation of nature through observation of the life cycle of the butterfly. 
Caterpillars to Butterflies Ages 3-6 - 8 activity unit with lessons, crafts, and songs
Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Moths Caterpillars, butterflies, and moths songs & fingerplays, activities, centers, art, and cooking from Nuttin' But Kids. 
After Reconstruction: Problems of African Americans in the South The collection African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1818-1907, contains pamphlets and other materials, most of which were written by African American authors about pressing issues of the day. In this lesson, students use the collection's Timeline of African American History, 1852-1925 to identify problems and issues facing African Americans immediately after Reconstruction. Working in small groups on assigned issues, students search the collection for documents that describe the problem and consider opposing points of view, and suggest a remedy for the problem. Students then present the results of their research in a simulated African American Congress
Colors Activities for a Colors theme from Preschool FunZone.
Colors Learning Colors - color group activities and games, songs & fingerplays, art, centers from Nuttin' But Kids 
Community Helpers ECSE - Includes Bulletin Board Ideas, Cooking Ideas, Fine Motor /Arts, Gross Motor, Language Development, Sign Language, Literature, Music, Pre-Academic, Sample Lesson Plans, Sample Parent Communication, Software, Support Media, Toys and Materials 
Farm Animals Farm animals activities, songs & poems - from Nuttin' But Kids.
Fun Farm Activities Farm activities - poems, crafts, games - from Chicky-ma-ma
Health Theme This curriculum will assist teachers with new ways of helping children discover and learn about their bodies - what they need to stay strong, how to keep them healthy, and how they work. 
Healthcare Friends Eye doctor, dentist, doctor - healthcare friends activities, songs, centers - from Nuttin' But Kids 
Ladybugs Ladybugs songs & poems, activities, center ideas, crafts - from Nuttin' But Kids. 
Insects Insects, bugs, and creepy crawlers activities from Preschool FunZone 
Insects ECSE - Includes Bulletin Board Ideas, Cooking Ideas, Fine Motor / Arts, Gross Motor, Language Development, Sign Language, Literature, Music, Pre-Academic, Sample Lesson Plans, Sample Parent Communication, Software, Support Media, Toys and Materials 
Love and Care Theme Hearts are symbols of love and what better time of year to talk about what it means to love and care for one-another than February! Take time out this month to highlight the theme of sharing and love that goes beyond exchanges of paper and candy! 
My Home My Neighborhood Preschool songs and fingerplays, art, centers from Nuttin' But Kids
Myself & I Myself & I songs and fingerplays, games, art, centers, books - from Nuttin' But Kids. 
Pets Pets - songs & fingerplays, games, centers, art from Nuttin' But Kids
Sea Animals Sea animals; ocean - Songs & fingerplays, game, art, centers, and books - from Nuttin' But Kids 
Seasons Theme Preschool - Help children understand and explore the idea of changing seasons through the association of a particular season with an activity connected with that time of year. 
Senses Activities for a unit on Senses from Preschool FunZone.
Senses Preschool Songs & Fingerplays, art, centers from Nuttin' But Kids
Farm Animals See the animals that live on farms. Learn what they look like, what they eat, and in what kind of pen or coral they live 
Shapes Learning Shapes - shape activities, songs, games, and centers from Nuttin' But Kids 
Space Space - group activities, songs, games, centers, snacks from Nuttin' But Kids 
Spiders Preschool songs and fingerplays, art, centers from Nuttin' But Kids
Spring Spring songs & fingerplays, activities, and ideas from Nuttin' But Kids 
Spring Ideas! Ideas that will help you plan a unit on Spring - from Cozy Cottage Child Care 
Environment The Earth Day Groceries Project: have students at school decorate the groceroes bags with pictures of the earth, environmental messages, the name of your school, etc. 
Learning About Immigration Through Oral History The primary goal of this activity is to give students the genuine experience of oral history in order to appreciate the process of historiography. 
Central sites for Space Here are all the best links found so far, and they are organizedin a way that you can find them more quickly. 
African-American Studies Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Black History
Central sites for family Ideas and lesson plans on family arranged according to grade levels.
Central sites for farm Ideas and lesson plans on farm and animal.
Central sites for environment Ideas and lesson plans on environment.
Central sites for food/nutrition Ideas and lesson plans on food and nutrition.
Central sites for me Ideas and lesson plans on me and my family.
Lesson plans for insects Insects in the Classroom: Bugs as teaching tools for all ages
Central sites for my body & senses Ideas and lesson plans on senses.
Central sites for 100th days Ideas and lesson plans on the 100th days of school.
Water Cycle A lesson plan: the student will be able to describe and label the different stages of the water cycle. 
Space A lesson plan: the student will ask questions and find information about the solar system.
How the weather work A lesson plan: this lesson is designed to inform students about how weather changes, by observing/comparing different clouds, constructing a weather graph, and drawing weather "types", and discussing their findings in a group.
Animal & the rain forest A lesson plan: the students will research a specific biome--rainforest--and complete a detailed report about an animal of the rainforest and how humans are affecting the animals habitat. 
Health-popcorn A lesson plan: the students will be able to use the "tool" popcorn with activities in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, P.E., Music, Art, Science and Eating. 
Apple A lesson plan: students will learn about making one pioneer children's toy. 
Apple A lesson plan: this is an across the curriculum (thematic) unit 
Exceptional Apples! A lesson plan: similarities and differences among apples, and also among students. Also, the importance of these similarities and differences. 
Fire Fighters At Work A lesson plan: this lesson is about firefighters at work. The students will learn how firefighters fight fires in the city, country, forest, and on the water front. They will also learn the equipment they use to fight fires. 
The Life Cycle of Butterflies A lesson plan: students will be able to: 1. recognize and identify the life cycle of the butterfly. 2. identify the physical characteristics of the butterfly.
Moods with the Weather A lesson plan: the children will be able to identify their feelings in relation to the weather.
Seasons For Kindergartners A lesson plan: for Kindergartners to understand seasons in the span of one year. 
environment A lesson plan: students will be able to describe how the environment affected the pioneer lifestyle, particularly the design of dwellings. 
Weather Lesson Plan A lesson plan: the students will incorporate weather into their reading background. 
The Dr. King Timeline Page  Here is another wonderful work of literature created by the kids at Buckman School. A great follow-up activity after reading together My Dream of Martin Luther King by Faith Ringgold or a unit on this important American. All About Butterflies is a comprehensive on-line hypertext book about butterflies It is designed for students of all ages and levels of comprehension. It has an easy-to-use structure that allows readers to start at a basic level on each topic, and then to progress to much more advanced information as desired, simply by clicking on links. 
Farm Animals at Enchanted Learning Rhymes, Crafts, Coloring Printouts, and a Quiz
Insects at Enchanted Learning Rhymes, Crafts, Coloring Printouts, and a Quiz
K-3 Themes at Enchanted Learning Electronic Zoo There are three ways to find the animal you are interested in learning more about. Leads to lengthy lists of resources to follow.
The Bug  You can become a member and receive a newsletter. Many buggy forms of information. Good for a visit. Find Pen Pals at this site to learn more about bugs.
Explore the Fantastic Forest / Habitat Study Travel through the forest and look for animals. As you click on items or follow the clues you will learn about many creatures hiding in the forest. Great Site.
Recycling - Colin the Can The story of Colin the Can and how he is recyled. Fun and interesting reading.
Memories Stories from people who lived during 1940's
Planet Earth Many great resources on our planet Earth.
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood  Mr. Rogers Neighborhood provides children with a good idea of the purpose of Transporation as "Trolley" takes you to "the Land of Make Believe.
Building a House In this teacher directed lesson, students will read and act out the Three Little Pigs and learn the process of building by naming materials and general steps in constructing a building. The music connection is "This Is the Way to Build a House" 
Abraham Lincoln This site about Abraham Lincoln has pictures of what pioneer life was like during Lincoln's childhood in Illinois
The Kennedy Space Center  The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex provides an exhilarating and educational experience of the space program. 
The Wizard of Menlo Park (Thomas Edison) This site has pictures of Thomas Edison along with some facts about his inventions and life.
The 4-H Farm at the University of California The 4-H Farm at the University of California, Irvine is a cooperative farm that allows children to learn to raise farm animals.
Map Adventures Learning Directions on a Map (grades K-3)
Make Way for Ducklings Mr. & Mrs. Mallard are looking for a place to live. Every time Mr. Mallard finds a place, Mrs. Mallard says it is not a good place to raise a family. They finally decide on a place in Boston along the Charles River. Mrs. Mallard has eight ducklings and decides to leave the Charles River site and settle in the Boston Commons. The trip from the river to the Commons becomes quite a problem for Michael, the policeman, who oversees the adventure. 
Map Grids A grid is a network of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines. The teacher draws a simple grid of five horizontal and five vertical lines on the chalkboard. Practice locating objects on the blackboard grid. Maps use similar grids to help locate specific places or objects.
Symbols and Legends Mapmakers often use symbols to represent real features in the environment. For example, in a map of your city, mapmakers will not draw a separate picture of every school. Instead, they draw a square with a flag on top as a symbol of a school. Then, each school, whether it is big or small, long or narrow, will have its location marked with this same symbol. Learn about the symbols used on maps and create symbols for your own neighborhood map.
View From the Ground  Lesson 1: View a specific location from ground level. Make a sketch of what you see. How would this visual picture be different if you were viewing it from a higher location?
View from a Higher Point  Lesson 2: Learn how objects change in appearance depending on the perspective from which they are viewed. Understand the overhead perspective offered by most maps. 
View from Overhead  Lesson 3: Looking at the same location as in the first two map lessons, locate the same four items. Describe how they appear differently in this view. 
Water Science for Schools It offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.
Martin Luther King in the Classroom Here are activities for multiple grade levels to commemorate Martin Luther King's achievements and contributions to American society. It connects to the Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. site. 
Billy Bear's Kwanzaa Site Billy Bear helps young children to understand the principles of Kwanzaa.
Thanksgiving Traditions and History Here are songs, recipes and a short traditional history of Thanksgiving.
President's Day Web Museum Why do Americans have a holiday to celebrate Presidents Linclon and Washington? Find out what these famous men did and decide for yourself if we should remember their birthdays each year.
Famous Americans This site links to sites about famous Americans including Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and famous inventors and women in all walks of life.
Map Scale Read a story about Nikki. Use the map scale to determine the distance Nikki's mother would have to walk to get to the pasture where Nikki landed. Have Nikki's mother stand at different areas of the park and develop a list of distances between these areas and the pasture. 
Mapping! These four mapping related activities will be just the ticket for exploring and mastering second grade geography standards. Make a map of your school playground, map the route to your home for a friend, use grid lines and coordinates to find an exact location, and learn the seven continents through song. 
Oceans and Continents Test your geographic knowledge of oceans and continents by answering questions at this interactive site. All you do is click on a world map.
Native American Contributions There are Native American influences all around us. Students visiting this site can participate in online activities that challange their knowledge of Native American contributions.
Nine Planets The Nine Planets is a collection of information about our Solar System intended for a general audience with little technical background. No special expertise or knowledge is needed; all technical and astronomical terms and proper names are defined in the glossary. Comments: This is an excellent source for information and pictures of the Solar System.
Star Child  This is a learning center for the young astronomer covering the universe, the solar system and "space stuff." 
Landforms & Bodies of Water Learn the definition of geographic terms for various types of land forms and see pictures illustrating those land forms done by elementary students at Ward School.
World Weather This site by Intellicast is searchable by region and gives reports and information on the day's weather worldwide.
Culture Quest Culture is defined as the customs, beliefs, arts and institutions of a group of people. Join Parsifal Penguin and Olivia Owl as they travel the seven continents and learn about culture. Parsifal has spent his entire life in Antarctica where there is no culture to speak of--just a few research stations where people eat freeze-dried spam and play checkers. Join Parsifal and Olivia as they sample the delicious cuisines, play the games, see the museums full of arts, crafts and history, hear the folktales and learn about the holidays & festivals of many of the world's cultures. 
Statue of Liberty Facts, News and Information  This site contains facts, news and information about the Statue of Liberty.
Abraham Lincoln: Early Life Using literature and the web, learn about the life of Abraham Lincoln. Do a treasure hunt and visit a slide show about pioneer life when Lincoln was a young man. 
George Washington A George Washington biography, a description of his time in Williamsburg, and an excerpt from the book Duel in the Wilderness.
George Washington This is a short, two page biography of George Washington. 
Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man Download lessons, enrichment activities, biographical information, and a short movie clip about one of the most interesting people in U.S. history. 
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