Social Studies
Games From Around The World  Play counting, word and dice games from Japan, colonial America, and Africa and learn while doing so. 
Government Structure  This site is an overview of government. It includes Basic Structure, The Constitution, Federal, State, and Local Government, Articles of Confederation, Civil Rights, Political Parties, Voting and Elections 
Kid's Space: For Kids Only  Questions and answers to help kids protect themselves and handle emergencies. 
Kids Web Japan  A perfect site for kids to find information on Japan. 
Latin American Network Information Center  Latin American Resources, Country Resources, and International Resources 
Native American Resources Center  There are over 300 web pages here. 
President for a Day: PBC Kids Democracy Project  Would you like to be President of the United States? It may seem like an easy job that is all shaking hands and kissing babies. You may change your mind after finding out the president's daily schedule! 
American Memory  American Memory is the online resource compiled by the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program. With the participation of other libraries and archives, the program provides a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. 
Mancala  This strategy game from Africa is often found in classrooms. Here it is in a virtual form. A great site for your students to play this game against the computer as you study African or African-American cultural traditions. It contains clear directions and the program will even give you hints if your game is not going very well. Set this site up as an Internet Activity during Kwanzaa. Share strategies during Internet Workshop. Make a bookmark! 
Kid's Window  Developed in a joint project between Stanford University and NTT from Japan, there are enough great resources here to design Internet Activities for an entire unit on Japan. Audio is included throughout the site. This location is probably most appropriate for the elementary grades, but everyone can enjoy the wonderfully rich insights into Japanese cultural traditions. Invite students to read one of several classic Japanese folk tales such as Momotaro or listen to it read aloud in Japanese and English. Have students order lunch and then write what they ordered in both English and Japanese. Have students attend language class in Hiragana, Kanji, or Katakana and then share what they learned during Internet Workshop. Have students finish up by following the directions to make an origami crane. Older students may also wish to visit a companion site, Japan Window . Set a bookmark for both ocations! 
Kwanzaa Information Center  Kwanzaa is the African-American spiritual holiday initiated by Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga in 1966. Today it is celebrated in an increasing number of homes. This location at Melanet provides a rich set of information resources about this holiday. It explains how it is celebrated and the meaning of the important symbols. Have your students read the information at this site and come to Internet Workshop prepared to share what they have learned. 
Maya/Aztec/Inca Center of the Lords of the Earth  A rich site with many resources designed to help students recognize the many accomplishments in history, geography, geology, astronomy, archaeology, anthropology and art that existed in the Americas before Christopher Columbus's arrival. Have your students explore these pages and bring one important cultural achievement to share and explain during Internet Workshop. Use this time to discuss the rich heritage that existed in the Americas before its discovery by Europe. 
China the Beautiful  Here is a location with all things beautiful and China. Visit the China Room and learn about calligraphy, listen to spoken Chinese, view many beautiful paintings, read a timeline of emperors, read classic poetry, participate in a discussion board about China, and travel to museums around the world with Chinese exhibits. This location also has special software for viewing the Internet in Chinese. 
From Foot to Flight  A virtual museum of the history of transportation in the United States 
Goat in the Rug  This is a bilingual cyberguide designed to supplement the teaching of The Goat in the Rug or La Chiva en el Tapete . This grade 2 unit consists of 4 activities that link students to web sites to explore Navajo culture and the weaving process. Standard H2.4 
KIDPROJ'S Multi-Cultural Calendar  Here is another wonderful resource for your classroom developed by KIDLINK, a non-profit organization. This location contains a great data base of celebrations each day taking place around the world along with ideas for connecting the calendar to your curriculum. Set a bookmark and let the good folks at KIDLINK know how much you appreciate their efforts. 
Black History  A rich collection of information on Black History Month from CNN. 
American History  The Elementary Curriculum: K-2 
The White House for Kids  Anything kids want to know about the White House. Content appropriate for them. 
USA TODAY  UP-to-the-minute news and information on the nation. 
Virtual Tour of the Louvre  You do not need to go to Paris, everything you want to know and see is here! 
Nebraska Department of Education Social Science Resources HomePage  Social Studies standards, framework, activities, educator's and students' web resources. 
Civil War Photograph Collection  This site at the Library of Congress contains over 1,000 photographs from the Civil War, many by Mathew Brady. Viewing these images makes you feel the national conflict and struggle during this period. 
Exhibitions  Find out the current exhibitions in the Library of Congress 
"Everybody Needs a Home" - Project Wild  A lesson plan: animals need a place in which to find food and water. They also need enough space in which to live and find the food, water and shelter they need. Home is more like a "neighborhood" that has everything in it that is needed for survival. The major purpose of this activity is for students to realize that animals need a home. 
The Gingerbread Man Trail  A less plan: the purpose of this lesson is to present a fun, memorable way for children to learn where the secretary, principal, nurse, janitor, cafeteria, playground, and other grade levels are located and at the same time matching a face and job with each of these locations and its importance to the functioning of the school. 
Fun with Food: The Food Pyramid  A lesson plan: the student will learn about the Food pyramid and a well balanced diet through interactive and group activities. The lesson will be taught from an ESL perspective. 
Introductions with Starbursts  A lesson plan: this is a game to use when getting to know new people. Getting to know one another can be hard and sometimes scary for some people, give the following game a try. 
The Little Red House  A lesson plan: the purpose of the five activities are to help children develop the first developmental skill in Gross Motor Coordination, Fine Motor Coordination, Auditory, Language, and Visual areas, Using the story "The Little Red House." 
Japanese Folk Tales (Tumbling Rice Balls & The Peach Boy)  Listen or read these two folktales in English or Japanese. 
Kids Link to Japan  This is a comprehensive, child-centered site covering all major areas of Japanese life. 
European Immigrant Journey Museum  Follow the journey of immigrants from Europe as they prepare for their journey to America, sail across the ocean, arrive in the new world and migrate to their new home across the U.S. This site is a perfect companion to Joan Sandin's books Long Way to a New Land and The Long Way Westward. 
Mannequin (creativity and cooperation)  A lesson plan: this activity is designed to stimulate creative thinking, encourage cooperation, and help students get acquainted. 
Indigenous Peoples Web Rings  A long list of links to resources about the indigenous people. 
Sparky the Fire Dog Page  Wonderful site with information about fire trucks and dalmations. Interactive games and rules for fire safely. Must see! 
Fire safety at it's online best  A unique site to educate your children about surviving a fire and other important safety issues. 
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids  Information on our government is arranged according to grade levels. 
World Clock  Find out the time around the world. Most major cities of the world are listed. Find your city and then see what time it is in Rome or Wellington. What a resource for math activities and learning about thetime. 
Do You Know Your State Capitals?  During Internet Activity have them visit each state, trying to guess the capital, until they know each of the state capitals. Invite your students to play this game with partners. Use Internet Workshop to continue this game, but in a group format. 
Smokey Bear's offical Home Page  Here is a great location for an Internet activity for during Fire Safety Week. Kids can play several games about fire safety, take a quiz and see how they do, and even e-mail Smokey. 
Aviation History On-Line  Everything you might want to know about aviation is here. This website is filled with photos and information about both new and old aircraft. 
Land and People in Mexico  Experience the land, people and culture of California's nearest international neighbor. Compare families here and there, cook traditional Mexican foods, make a festival mask, and enjoy many more exciting activities. 
Life in Brazil  Explore the land and people of Brazil. Learn by growing rainforest terrariums, cooking traditional foods, dancing a Bahias and many more exciting things. 
Say Hello to the World  This site also lists words that have come into use in the English language from other languages, and provides links to many other sites related to the culture. 
African Stories  This site, developed by Huron High School students, retells African stories from ancient and modern times. The site also offers an opportunty for students to e-mail their responses to these stories. 
Theodore Roosevelt  This is a short biography of Theodore Roosevelt. 

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