Lesson Plans | Lesson plans organized into themes, subjects, and grade levels. |
Lesson Plans | More than 1000 lesson plans organized in different subject areas. There is even a printable version of the lesson plans for your convenience. |
Lesson plans for insect | Insects in the Classroom: Bugs as teaching tools for all ages |
Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers | lesson plans and resources from the Internet which social studies teachers will find useful. |
AskERIC Lesson Plans | Need a lesson plan for tomorrow? Find a nice collection at AskERIC Lesson Plans and print out ones that meet your needs. |
Creating Art Using Music and Feelings | Music and art are both subjects that require creativity. Students should have the chance to be creative as much as possible. This activity is simple, and fun to do with any grade in elementary. It gives the students a chance to become familiar with different types of music, relate music with feelings and moods, and express themselves through art. Here is a lesson plan for you. |
Critical Thinking Strategies | A lesson plan that you don't want to skip. |
Lessons and Activities for Math | Use math topic words to find web sites with lesson plans and activities. |
A New Way to Tell Time | This is a good lesson to use as an introduction to telling time or as a review for older students. It helps to give students a hands on activity. They can visualize and be part of a clock. The lesson may be better suited for smaller classes. |
The Process of Sequencing - A Picture Card Game Activity | The Sequence Card Game allows students to practice the thinking process involved in the sequence of events. It begins with the lowest level visual sequencing and advances to the use of higher level critical thinking. Students work in pairs with teacher direction, but work toward independence with teacher monitoring student's level of progress. |
Time Lines For Telling Time | Understanding time can be very difficult for young children. One way of helping students understand the flow of time is to use time lines. This lesson uses the daily classroom routine to provide a visual and meaningful reinforcement of this concept. |
Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers | lesson plans and resources from the Internet which social studies teachers will find useful. |
Water Cycle | A lesson plan on the water cycle. |
Space | A lesson plan on the solar system. |
How the weather work | A lesson plan:this lesson is designed to inform students about how weather changes, by observing/comparing different clouds, constructing a weather graph, and drawing weather "types", and discussing their findings in a group. |
Animal & the rain forest | A lesson plan:the students will research a specific biome--rainforest--and complete a detailed report about an animal of the rainforest and how humans are affecting the animals habitat. |
Connecting With The Life Space Environment: Real World Studies and the K-12 Curriculum | A lesson plan to enhances students' perceptions/understanding of the nature & character of the total lifespace environment in which they exist and prosper. |
Plant Dyes | A lesson plan: Students will be able to use plant materials to create various colored dyes and will be able to use these dyes to create a painting and/or dye cloth. |
"Everybody Needs a Home" - Project Wild | A lesson plan: animals need a place in which to find food and water. They also need enough space in which to live and find the food, water and shelter they need. Home is more like a "neighborhood" that has everything in it that is needed for survival. The major purpose of this activity is for students to realize that animals need a home. |
The Gingerbread Man Trail | A less plan: the purpose of this lesson is to present a fun, memorable way for children to learn where the secretary, principal, nurse, janitor, cafeteria, playground, and other grade levels are located and at the same time matching a face and job with each of these locations and its importance to the functioning of the school. |
Fun with Food: The Food Pyramid | A lesson plan: the student will learn about the Food pyramid and a well balanced diet through interactive and group activities. The lesson will be taught from an ESL perspective. |
Introductions with Starbursts | A lesson plan: this is a game to use when getting to know new people. Getting to know one another can be hard and sometimes scary for some people, give the following game a try. |
The Little Red House | A lesson plan: the purpose of the five activities are to help children develop the first developmental skill in Gross Motor Coordination, Fine Motor Coordination, Auditory, Language, and Visual areas, Using the story "The Little Red House." |
Mannequin (creativity and cooperation) | A lesson plan: this activity is designed to stimulate creative thinking, encourage cooperation, and help students get acquainted. |
Central sites for family | Ideas and lesson plans on family arranged according to grade levels. |
Central sites for farm | Ideas and lesson plans on farm and animal. |
Central sites for environment | Ideas and lesson plans on environment. |
Central sites for food/nutrition | Ideas and lesson plans on food and nutrition. |
Central sites for me | Ideas and lesson plans on me and my family. |
Lesson plans for insects | Insects in the Classroom: Bugs as teaching tools for all ages |
Central sites for 100th days | Ideas and lesson plans on the 100th days of school. |
Water Cycle | A lesson plan: the student will be able to describe and label the different stages of the water cycle. |
Space | A lesson plan: the student will ask questions and find information about the solar system. |
How the weather work | A lesson plan: this lesson is designed to inform students about how weather changes, by observing/comparing different clouds, constructing a weather graph, and drawing weather "types", and discussing their findings in a group. |
Animal & the rain forest | A lesson plan: the students will research a specific biome--rainforest--and complete a detailed report about an animal of the rainforest and how humans are affecting the animals habitat. |
Health-popcorn | A lesson plan: the students will be able to use the "tool" popcorn with activities in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, P.E., Music, Art, Science and Eating. |
Apple | A lesson plan: students will learn about making one pioneer children's toy. |
Apple | A lesson plan: this is an across the curriculum (thematic) unit |
Exceptional Apples! | A lesson plan: similarities and differences among apples, and also among students. Also, the importance of these similarities and differences. |
Fire Fighters At Work | A lesson plan: this lesson is about firefighters at work. The students will learn how firefighters fight fires in the city, country, forest, and on the water front. They will also learn the equipment they use to fight fires. |
Moods with the Weather | A lesson plan: the children will be able to identify their feelings in relation to the weather. |
Seasons For Kindergartners | A lesson plan: for Kindergartners to understand seasons in the span of one year. |
environment | A lesson plan: students will be able to describe how the environment affected the pioneer lifestyle, particularly the design of dwellings. |
Weather Lesson Plan | A lesson plan: the students will incorporate weather into their reading background. |
Chicken Little Literacy/Art Lesson | A lesson plan: to engage students in a shared reading experience and enhance their awareness of illustrations/concepts of print/vocabulary/and comprehension development. |
Millions of Cats! | A lesson plan: the purpose of this lesson is to develop children's listening and comprehension skills and appreciation of literature. The lesson is designed for a Bilingual/ESL classroom and it is literature based. |
Music Alphabets | A lesson plan: the children in ESL/bilingual use music to learn. We listen to the alphabet song and sing along and hopefully learn faster, more easily, and remember more because of the music. |
Zoo Animal Poetry | A lesson plan: many classes plan trips to the zoo to see the animals. Classes may study the animals in books and read many stories, or write original stories, but to really bring the facts alive using a video camera and poetry is very powerful. This activity was formulated to bring the animals into the classroom and the homes of the students. |
Navajo | The activities in this lesson accompany Blood and Link's story Goat in the Rug and inlcude lots of ideas for learning about Navajo culture. |
Lesson Plans from Core Knowledge National Conferences | This collection contains units and lesson plans developed by teachers in Core Knowledge schools. The units and lessons were presented at recent national Core Knowledge conferences. |
Weather in Our Own Backyard | Go on a weather walk and observe weather conditions where you live. Describe weather-related phenomena in their your environment ,such as the kinds of plants that are growing, the kinds of clothes you wear, and the outdoor activities that you can do. Discuss how weather affects your daily life. This teacher centered lesson does not require a connected classroom but would be enhanced through technology by linking to a weather site such as Internet Weather Report http://www.mids.org/weather/ |
Everybody Cooks Rice | A young girl searches the neighborhood for her brother who is late for dinner. One the way, she discovers that all of her immigrant neighbors are cooking rice recipes brought from their native countries. She has a taste of each rice recipe and then returns home to find her brother already at home eating rice. There are recipes for each of the rice dishes mentioned |
Technology Lesson Plans | Internet Lesson Plans Resources |
Japanese Kite Stories | During a unit on Japan, students will participate in an activity to assist them in understanding a segment of Japanese culture. |
Three Little Pigs: A "Tail" to Tell | In this activity, first or second grade students gain in cultural literacy and perspective taking from different versions of the Three Little Pigs story. They also learn basic information literacy skills by analyzing the elements and sequence of the story on a storyboard. |
A New Coat for Anna | This unit is designed as an cross-curricular study of A New Coat for Anna by Harriet Ziefert. This supplemental unit provides resources for students in first and second grade to understand how people acquire goods and services. More specifically, the children will learn about the process involved in making a coat, from sheep to clothing. Based on a true story, the book A New Coat for Anna follows Anna and her mother through their home town in post-World War Two Europe as they take the required steps to get a badly needed new winter coat for Anna even though money is in short supply. |