Joseph Wu's Origami Page | This site contains directions for creating many wonderful paper objects as well as information about this Japanese art form. |
Crayola Factory | Find out how crayons and markers are made at the Crayola Factory. Read the story and make lots of crafts following the directions at this site. |
Native American Indian Art | This site has links to a large collection of Native American art and artists. The text accompanying the pictures explains the making of or history of the work. |
Learning Songs: Mojo's Musical Mouseum | Here are the lyrics to familiar learning songs, many of which have to do with the calendar, time, and history. Young children love this way to learn. |
Make Your Own Music | A lesson plan: students will design an instrument, create a piece of music and tape record it for future enjoyment. Materials: |
Pack-o-Fun | If you're familiar with the magazine filled with great ideas for games, art projects and much more...visit their website to check out more ideas to do with your children. |
Creating Art Using Music and Feelings | Music and art are both subjects that require creativity. Students should have the chance to be creative as much as possible. This activity is simple, and fun to do with any grade in elementary. It gives the students a chance to become familiar with different types of music, relate music with feelings and moods, and express themselves through art. Here is a lesson plan for you. |
Carlos' Coloring Book | You can find lots of coloring pages for your students here. |
Kendra's Coloring Book. | The coloring pages are categorized. It is fun. |
The Secret of Drawing Cartoons | It is extremely fun to follow the steps and learn how to draw these cartoons. |
NASA's Space Coloring Book | Find many pictures of space air craft and astronauts working. Each black line picture has an interesting fact sheet with it. Print these out to be colored. The entire collection would make a nice book about space. |
Crafts for Kids | Crafts for all kids and classrooms. |
Hands On Crafts | Children can build a face jug, look at the gallery, throw a virtual pot, and more. More is planned to be added soon. |
Kool Paper Airplanes | There is information on the plane along with the folding instruction. |
Certificate Creator | Make and print certificates online for your class. |
Download a Dinosaur | Here are patterns and instructions for copying dinosaurs and then building models. Great fun for all. |
DinoFun | You can find everything about dinosaurs. From dino art to dino education. |
Activity Idea Place:Activity ideas for everything. | Thanksgiving art, songs, games and more for young children. |
Halloween | ECSE - covers all areas: bulletin board ideas, cooking, sign language, fine & gross motor, etc. |
Halloween Activities | Halloween fun activities, songs and poems, dramatic play ideas, and more |
Halloween Theme Ideas | Preschool - Ideas for crafts, science, dramatic play, songs, centers, field trips, and more. |