Are you a rooster ?




Introduction I am a rooster! I was born in the year of a rooster.
Are you a rooster too? You will find that out by going to the links.
You are also going to find out what animal each of your family member belongs to.
Tell them that you have magic power by telling them their personalities!
(Do not worry, the links will help you to build up your power. I promise!)


You will go to the links and find out the years of each twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac.
Find out the personalities of each animal.
Then do a survey on the years your family members were born.
Create a family tree and put the information about your family members up.
You need to put down the name, the year when that person was born, which animal he/she belongs to, and three personalities you find out about that person from the Chinese Zodiac.
I also want you to use tangram to create animal figures that match each of your family member.


1. Read the two stories in Chinese.
2. Find out the personalities of a rooster according to the Chinese Zodiac.
3. Find out the years when all the family members were born.
    Find out the year of animal each belongs to.
4. Find out the personalities of each family member from the Chinese Zodiac.
5. Create a family tree and put information on the tree: name, year of birth, year
    of animal ,and three personalities of that person.
6. Use tangram pieces to create matching animal figure.
    Boar outline Dog outline Dragon outline Goat outline Horse outline Monkey outline Ox outline Rat outline Rooster outline Snake outline Tiger outline Rabbit outline


 Students will be assessed on the information shown on the family tree:
1. Chinese name of family member.
2. Year of birth.
3. Year of animal.
4. Three personalities of each family member.
5. Tangram figure of animal for each fmily member.

Bonus points will be awarded to:
1.Clear linkage among family members.
2. List of personalities of all animals.

 Go to the links now, enjoy the stories first!


 © 1999 West Portal Elementary School